“In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.”

—Miguel de Cervantes

raison d’être

To Move an Audience—and Death Itself—from Death to Life

Our story is more than a dramatization of the horrors of war, as experienced by the two greatest war poets, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. Although it will see war through their eyes, and those of the omnipresent Spirit of Death, it will view reality more broadly through the eyes of the actors themselves—both on stage and off—as they perform the production of the play along the banks of the upper reaches of the river Somme in France.

The drama will move, therefore, from the physical to the metaphysical, exploring fundamental questions about the human experience of personhood, as well as suffering in general and war in particular. What does it mean to be human? How does one’s soul cope with the horror of war? Is there room for hope? And memento mori—the reminder of death, ever present in times of war and peace. Can death itself be changed? And love. What role does it play in the divine drama within which our lives evolve, and now as the entire social structure of the West tumbles down?

These questions, which seek to grapple with the postmodern problem of the apocalypse of the sovereign self, suffering, and the enigma that the presence of death presents, will confront our actors who will personify the deepest questions about life and death which we, as human beings, cannot avoid contemplating. And as the live production unfolds, behind-the-scenes drama will intersperse with the on-stage performances as the actors increasingly lose themselves in their roles, and the lines between performance and reality begin to fade away.

“Every man who has ever been young at all has felt, if only for a moment, this ultimate and poetic paradox. He knows that loving the world is the same thing as fighting the world.”

—G.K. Chesterton


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