“Victory awaits him who has everything in order—luck, people call it.”

—Roald Amundsen


Death Comes for the War Poets follows British War Poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen into the trenches of World War I, and then accompanies the actors who portray them onto the stone range of the present day, where each confronts hostile forces, personal demons, and the enduring Spirit of Death. Our storytelling innovation will bring this poetic drama of sin, struggle, and transformation to life as a live cinema event—realized as a movie happening in real time.


Creatively envisaged and shrewdly promoted, our avant-garde story—spanning from 1914 and the cataclysmic events of the First World War to the new barbarousness of the present day—will avoid the typical pitfalls of indie sales via new revenue streams realized through the performances themselves: livestreaming to Colleges & Universities and Historic & Art House theaters across America as a “must-see” event, which inherently embodies a sense of urgency given the limited opportunities to experience the high-wire act and unpredictable nature of live performance. This new three-pronged sales channel will complement the Festivals approach and traditional theatrical release of a final-edit film, as well as post-theatrical Streaming Video-on-Demand (SVOD), broadcast, and foreign distribution outlets, for which a story set in France and fashioned through a collaboration of international production units lends itself well.


The financial requirement for this project is $5 million: $3.75 million for the development, production, and post-production deliverables of the performance series, subsequent film, and behind-the-scenes (BTS) documentary (created during production), with the remainder for project marketing (P&A). This structure allows for both a traditional distribution path for the live performances and acquisition deal, as well as a self-motivated release strategy of the film and the documentary. Participation is limited to 15 accredited investors. 

“Today’s ‘best practices’ lead to dead ends. Successful people find value in unexpected places, and they do this by thinking about business from first principles instead of formulas.”

—Peter Thiel


The information contained within this prospectus does not constitute an offering of securities, which will be made only through the offering documents, which should be read carefully before deciding to invest. For confidential consideration to participate, please review the information in the Accredited Investor and Investor Portal pages, accessed via the primary navigation.