“It must be hoped that some imaginative mind will one day give the world a dramatic masterpiece wherein our present shocks and disasters are set in proportion to human history as a whole, warning a less insane epoch against the errors which debase the kindlier arts of life-development and consign the wisdom of the ages to the refuse dump.”

—Siegfried Sassoon, Siegfried’s Journey: 1914-1918 (1946)

“But imagination has its highest use in retrospective realization. The trumpet of imagination, like the trumpet of the Resurrection, calls the dead out of their graves. Imagination sees Delphi with the eyes of a Greek, Jerusalem with the eyes of a Crusader, Paris with the eyes of a Jacobin, and Arcadia with the eyes of a Euphuist. The prime function of imagination is to see our whole orderly system of life as a pile of stratified revolutions. In spite of all revolutionaries it must be said that the function of imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange; not so much to make wonders facts as to make facts wonders.” 

—G.K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong With The World (1910)


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