“No bloodless myth will hold.”

—Sir Geoffrey William Hill


Renewed Culture Calls for Transformed Art

Our storytelling innovation will risk boldness to meet the momentchallenging the Theatre of the Absurd, nihilism, and dis-integration of the age and solving a unique problem, which is this: that scores of other movie producers are desperately trying to repackage vapors. But regardless of story, the basic form is the same. Ours is not.

To this cultural crisis we will bring, in editor J.D. McClatchy’s words, poetry’s unique ability to stir the emotions, to freeze the moment, to sweep the scene with a panoramic lens and suddenly swoop in for a close-up of suffering and courage, providing dimly thereby revelations unattainable by reason, some graceful reflection of eternal Beauty and Wisdom. 

In so doing, our production of Death Comes for the War Poets—a drama enmeshed in “The War to End all Wars” and the mimetic crisis of this period of chaotic decivilization—will provide a cathartic dénouement, assuaging the universal spiritual hunger borne of the calamity of last four years and the enigma of an historical situation that is without precedent: the death of all cultures.

“New artistic movements grow out of the efforts of a few catalytic individuals who reject a bankrupt or moribund status quo and articulate a compelling new vision. Once the new vision is articulated and embodied in masterful works, it spreads quickly, indeed indomitably—uniting people in a common cause.”

—Dana Gioia


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